
Instagram Quiz Game Filter with A.R.

Revolutionize your brand presence with our exclusive A.R. Instagram Filter Quiz Game—a game designed to transform casual users into fervent brand advocates. This isn’t just a quiz; it’s a viral marketing engine. Seamlessly integrated with your brand, it effortlessly sparks organic, free advertisement as users share their quiz results. Forget the ordinary; embrace an interactive experience that’s both entertaining and unforgettable. Ready to redefine your brand’s narrative? Elevate your online game, captivate your audience, and let the viral journey commence!

Any questions? Contact us!

Client's review

Pedro is one of the most incredible guys I ever met, as a person I have no word...

Pedro is one of the most incredible guys I ever met, as a person I have no word to describe him, as a professional, the best word to describe Pedro is commitment. His commitment to accomplish tasks and his strength to develop new skills are speechless

Warley Godoi

Hedge fund manager

Pedro is a hard worker, solicitous and creative Professional. Help to solve the problems with simple logic and...

Pedro is a hard worker, solicitous and creative Professional. Help to solve the problems with simple logic and disruptive ideas.

Arthur Pereira

Civil Engineer, CEO at Artstone

Pedro, it was a pleasure to work with you. You are a great professional, and I recommend you...

Pedro, it was a pleasure to work with you. You are a great professional, and I recommend you and your  work for anyone. Thanks again for your professionalism and fast response in designing good solutions for our business.

Wagner C.

Manager at Trade in Flow

Why Does This Investment Suit You Perfectly?

  • Boost Engagement: The A.R. Instagram Filter Quiz Game is a surefire way to increase engagement on your business pages. Users love interactive content, and this game offers an exciting, shareable experience.
  • Viral Potential: Harness the power of social sharing. As users enjoy and share their quiz results, your brand gains exposure organically, potentially reaching a wider audience and boosting brand awareness.
  • Brand Customization: Tailor the game to fit seamlessly with your brand. From visuals to quiz questions, create a personalized experience that resonates with your audience and reinforces your brand identity.
  • Free Advertisement: Turn your followers into brand ambassadors. With users willingly sharing their quiz outcomes, you’ll enjoy free advertisement as your content circulates across social media channels.
  • Interactive Storytelling: Engage your audience with a unique narrative. Craft quiz questions that tell your brand story, fostering a connection that goes beyond conventional marketing methods.
  • Data Insights: Gain valuable insights into your audience. Analyze user responses to tailor future marketing strategies and understand your customer base on a deeper level.
  • Increased Time on Page: Keep your audience on your Instagram and Facebook pages longer. The immersive and entertaining nature of the quiz game encourages users to spend more time interacting with your content.
  • Lead Generation: Implement strategic call-to-actions within the game to capture leads. Whether it’s encouraging sign-ups or driving traffic to your website, use the game as a tool for lead generation.
  • Fun Factor: Break away from mundane content. The A.R. Instagram Filter Quiz Game injects an element of fun into your social media strategy, leaving a positive and memorable impression on your audience.
  • Stay Ahead of Trends: Demonstrate your business’s innovative spirit by adopting augmented reality and interactive quizzes. Stay ahead of the competition and showcase your brand’s commitment to cutting-edge marketing techniques.


  • Augmented Reality (A.R.) Instagram filter featuring 10 questions and corresponding answers.
  • Final scoreboard displaying your logo and computing the actual final score.
  • Instagram/website address provided at the conclusion to attract game visitors.
  • Published on your Instagram page for maximum visibility and engagement.

Embark on a digital journey with our Augmented Reality (A.R.) experience powered by Meta’s cutting-edge software. Tailored to perfection, this immersive tool is not just a game; it’s a brand spectacle. Engage your audience with 10 meticulously crafted questions, each answer leading to a personalized, shareable adventure. Our A.R. Instagram filter is more than a trend; it’s a bespoke experience, 100% customized for your niche and brand. Elevate your digital presence, captivate your audience, and let your brand shine in the world of limitless possibilities.

Instagram Quiz Game Filter with A.R.

Instagram Quiz Game Filter with A.R.







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